Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions of Sale
1. (a) “Seller” means Rubix Marketing Limited or their principal / principals in any case where they are acting
only as agents.
“Buyers” means the person firm or company to whom this contract note is addressed, or his or their principal/s
in any case where he or they are only as agent/s.
“Goods” means the articles, commodities or things or any of them described in this contract note.
“War Risks” means war risks as defined by the appropriate Institute of London Underwriters current clause.
(b) All Orders accepted by the Seller are subject to these conditions, and no other conditions shall apply
unless expressly agreed in writing by an officer of the Seller.
2. The word “about” in relation to quantities shall mean 2% more or less. The quality shall be equal to the fair
average of the season’s pack of similar goods in the same size containers from the same country of origin.
Cartons shall have the meaning generally accepted in the trade notwithstanding the net weight of the contents
printed on the label. Any tender not complying with any or all of these provisions shall not be rejected by
Buyers, but shall be accepted and paid for and any claim for defective quality will be settled by an allowance to
be mutually agreed, or decided by reference to arbitration as hereinafter provided.
3. Shipments to be by vessel and / or other means of conveyance either direct or indirect or with or without
trans-shipment. At Sellers option, each shipment or tender may be treated as separate contracts. The goods
may be shipped as a whole or in separate shipments unless otherwise stated on the face hereof. Dates of
shipment or delivery are given in good faith by the Seller but the Seller shall be under no liability for delay and
time of shipment, or delivery shall not be of the same essence of the contract. Failure of Seller to deliver any
instalment shall not entitle the buyer to repudiate this contract.
4. Goods sold “to arrive” or for “shipment” or upon any like terms are sold subject to safe arrival and where
goods are sold on rubix marketing limited terms. Any claim in regard there to must be made to the Sellers and
confirmed in writing within seven days of notice to the Buyers, or his agent of the landing of the goods or any
part thereof and all claims shall be barred unless so made within such seven days. And before removal or
transfer of the goods or any part thereof whether by the Buyer or otherwise from the place where the same
shall have been landed.
5. Where appropriate and unless otherwise expressly stipulated wherein the goods shall be at the Buyers risk
in respect of “War Risks” upon shipment. In the case of goods sold Rubix Marketing Limited shall be at the sole risk of
the Buyer upon shipment.
6. The seller only gives the warranty show on the face of the Acceptance Order. Save as thereon provided, no
conditions are made or to be implied, nor any warranty made or to be implied, whether by statute, or by
operation of law or otherwise, as to the quality of the goods to be supplied, or their containers, or that they will
be of any particular quality or description or that they will be suitable for any particular purpose,
notwithstanding that such purpose of conditions may be known or may have been made known to the Seller.
Goods alleged by the Buyer to be defective shall not form the basis or subject matter of any claim by the
Buyer nor shall the seller be under any liability whatsoever, howsoever, arising in respect of any claim by the
Buyer. The Buyer further acknowledges that he has not been induced to enter into this agreement on the basis
of any representation made for or on behalf of the Seller, other than as expressly contained on the face of this
Acceptance Order, and the Seller shall in no way be liable for any misrepresentation howsoever and by
whomsoever made.
7. The Seller/s shall not be responsible for loss, damage or delay resulting from circumstances beyond their
control to include but not limited to, breakdown of machinery, fire, flood, strikes, etc., in relation to its UK
processing plant and auxiliary services, transport, force majeure, fire, explosion, frost, flood, storm, tempest, or
other weather conditions, accident, strike, lock-out or labour disturbance, riot, civil commotion, war (whether
declared or not). outbreaks of hostilities, government intervention and / or control, failure of crop or any other
reason affecting or hindering wholly or in part growing, picking, processing, packing or production transport or
shipment. In any such event the Seller may at their option, cancel or suspend the contract or any portion
thereof without liability for default, and without prejudice to rights accrued in respect of dealings already made.
In the case of raisins from ‘Afghanistan’, all sales are “subject to safe arrival” of goods.
8. The words ‘Ready-to-use’ or any other processing description shown on the front of this contract do not
guarantee total absence of stones, stalks, or other indigenous of foreign bodies. The goods should be
inspected by the Buyer before use as, or in, a food product.
9. Where goods are supplied by the Buyer for processing by Seller, the loss in weight that occurs in the
washing and cleaning process shall be to the account of the Buyer.
10. Any increase or decrease in duty, the E.E.C. levies of monetary or other compensatory payments or
subsidies, freight/transport landing charges, insurance or rate of exchange arising after the date hereof shall
be for Buyers account.
11. All goods sold or supplied by the seller to the Buyer shall remain the Seller’s sole and absolute property as
legal and equitable owner until the seller shall have transferred such goods to the Buyer as hereinafter
(a) The Buyer shall pay the seller the price due in respect of the goods sold or supplied to it within 28 days of
the date of delivery.
(b) If at any time the Buyer shall have paid to the Seller all sums due to the Seller in respect of goods sold or
supplied by the Seller to the Buyer the Buyer may request the Seller to transfer its Property in the said goods
to the purchaser. Where any such request is made and unless there is a bona fide dispute, as to whether all
such sums have been paid the Seller shall forthwith acknowledge to the Buyer in writing that the said goods
are thereafter the Buyer and the said goods shall thereupon vest in the Buyer.
(c) The Buyer acknowledges that so long as it is in possession of any goods of the seller it is so as Bailee’s for
the Seller.
(d)The Seller hereby permits the Buyer to sell or agree to sell any goods which are or have been the property
of the Seller on condition that such sale or agreement to sell is made by the Buyers as agent for the Seller
(whether the Buyer sells on its own account or not) and that the entire proceeds of such sale are held by the
Buyer in trust for the Seller and are not mingled with any other monies and are not paid into any overdrawn
bank account and shall at all times be kept so as to be separately identifiable as the Sellers monies.
(e) In any case where following any such sale the Buyer shall have not received the proceeds thereof the
Buyer will if so require by the Seller forthwith assign to the Seller all rights against the person or persons to
whom it has sold the material.
(f) Irrespective of who at any time is the owner of the goods sold or supplied to the Buyer by the Seller and
subject always to the provisions of Clauses 5 and 6 hereof the risk of any loss or damage to, or deterioration
of such goods shall be the Buyer’s as soon as they said goods are delivered to the Buyer or any carrier or any
agent acting on the Buyer’s behalf.
(g) The Buyer right to possession of any of the Sellers goods shall cease if it not being a company commits an
available act of bankruptcy of if it being a company does anything or fails to do anything which would entitle a
Receiver to take possession of any assets or which would entitle a person to present a petition for winding-up,
or calls a meeting of creditors with a view to liquidation or enters into any arrangement with creditors or is
invoiced up compulsorily or otherwise. For the purpose of taking possession of its property the seller or its
servants or agents may enter upon any premises where it is stored or where it is reasonably thought to be
stored and may take possession of it. If the said goods have become attached to or incorporated into any
other product thing or things the seller may take possession of those other products or things also.
12. Each delivery of goods by the seller is a separate contract to which the terms and conditions hereof shall
apply. The seller shall have the right either to determine the contract or suspend the performance of any part
thereof if:
(i) The Buyer is overdue with any payment or
(ii) The Buyer has not taken delivery of the goods within the time provided in the contract or
(iii) The value of the goods ordered by the Buyer exceeds the Buyer credit limit with the seller or
(iv) The Buyer makes default or commits any breach of any of its obligations to the seller pursuant to this
contract in which event the seller shall be entitled to suspend any further performance of its obligations in a
manner and for a time it shall think fit in its absolute discretion.
13. In the event of any money due not being paid in accordance with the terms stated on the Sellers invoice
then the Buyer shall pay to the Seller interest at the rate of 3% per annum over Lloyds TSB Bank base rate
calculated on a daily basis until the date of payment.
14. The Sellers invoice, raised when an instruction to despatch has been issued to a depot, serves as advice
of immediate delivery in accordance with Buyers delivery instructions. Delivery of the goods shall be effected
by tendering the goods at the Buyers premises or by posting a delivery order to the Buyers last known place of
business (in which case delivery shall be deemed to have taken place on the day when the Delivery Order
was posted) as the terms of the contract may require. The property in the goods shall pass for all purpose
when delivery has been effected as defined above and thereafter goods shall be at Buyers risk, except where
Clause 5 applies.
15. Net Weight are guaranteed to within a 0.5% invoice weights.
16. Any claim in respect of short or incorrect delivery or damaged goods must be reported to the Seller in
writing within 48 hours of receipt of the goods. Non-delivery must be notified to the Seller within seven days of
the advice of delivery.
17. (a) If, notwithstanding condition 6 the Buyer contends that it has any claim against the Seller, any such
claim shall be barred unless submitted by the Buyer to the Seller and confirmed in writing within seven days of
delivery, as defined above, or within seven days of the expiry of any period for which a warranty has been
(b) All claims must specify brand, marks, can codes, invoice numbers and dates, and be accompanied where
appropriate by official condemnation certificate/s dated within the warranty period.
(c) Claims in respect of alleged defective condition of the goods must be accompanied by satisfactory and
acceptable evidence that the goods concerned had been stored in conditions and temperatures which by
custom are applicable to those classes of goods throughout the period from arrivals at Buyer’s premises to the
time when the alleged defective condition was discovered.
(d) The Sellers do not accept liability for damage loss of injury to the Buyer its servants or agents arising as a
result of unloading or handling the goods on delivery. The Buyer its servants or agents accept and recognise
that goods may become insecure during transit and will take such steps to protect themselves against such
loss or injury as may be appropriate.
18. When goods are delivered on pallets. Ownership of such pallets shall remain vested in the Seller at all
times and the Buyer shall hold such